Students in a classroom with the text Canvas Plus overlayed.

Canvas Plus: July 2024 Edition

Canvas LogoIn our Canvas Plus Monthly, we discuss the new features and enhancements available in the Canvas LMS and any updates to academic technology/software that are integrated into Canvas. This month we look at new updates to course announcements and how students show their names should be pronounced, plus further advancements in discussions, pages, modules, and more.  Unless otherwise specified, all Canvas updates will be available within Canvas by the 3rd weekend of the month.

Profiles and Name Pronunciation

This feature allows users to provide a clear and accurate representation of how their names should be pronounced, making it easier for others to address them correctly.

screenshot of the Name Pronunciation Field

Updates to Course Announcements

In Announcements, a Mark all as read button is available. This update allows users to quickly and efficiently mark all announcements as read.


Instructors can also notify students when an announcement has been updated—preventing missed information—and allowing users to respond promptly and appropriately to the new information.


This modal is not shown when editing an announcement with a delayed posting date. Additionally, this update is only available when the Announcement/Discussion Redesign feature option is enabled.

The delayed posting field is changed to Available from and instructors can add Until dates. This update enables instructors to specify a date when the announcement will no longer be visible to students.


Please note:

  • The Available From date is also the date the announcement is published.
  • If there is no Until date, the announcement will remain visible.
  • Once the Until date is reached, the announcement is no longer visible to students.

Course Discussions Update

Starting July 20, 2024, instructors can assign ungraded discussions to students and sections. Additionally, section restricted enrollments allowing students to post discussions to a specific section is removed. Instructors can still create groups, and students within those groups can initiate discussions that are visible only to their group members.

Screen shot of the Assign To feature

To assign students or sections to an ungraded discussion, click the Manage Assign To link on the create or edit a discussion page. Instructors can select which students are assigned the ungraded discussion.

screenshot of the Assign To feature with the Assign To tray highlighted.

Please Note: Only students assigned to the discussion can view and participate in the ungraded discussion.

Modules Improvements

Also starting on July 20, 2024, instructors can assign students to an entire module and individual module items from the Modules page. Additionally, the Add Module and Edit Module Settings pages are redesigned as trays [1]. This feature improves the differentiation of Modules to create a more dynamic and adaptive learning environment.

Screenshot of the edit module tray

Please Note:

  • If a student is assigned only a specific item within a module and not the entire module, they will see only that item in the feature area, such as an assignment on the assignment page, and not the rest of the module.
  • If a student is assigned an entire module, but only specific items within that module, students can only view the items they are assigned.

Using the Assign To tab [2], instructors can set the module visibility to Everyone or assign it to specific students. In the Assign To field, instructors can select students or sections using the drop-down menu, typing student names, SIS IDs (if available), or section names . Lastly, click the Save button.

By default, the modules and items are assigned to everyone. In order to read more about this new feature, please see Module and Assignment Differentiation in the Canvas Release Notes for July 20, 2024.

Assigning Pages

Along with the July 20th update, instructors will be able to assign pages to students and set availability dates. Additionally, instructors can assign Pages to Mastery Paths. Pages cannot be assigned due dates. This update streamlines instructor workflow and improves the ability to differentiate instruction.

screenshot of the Pages window with the Manage Assign To highlighted.

Assign To for Assignments

In Assignments and Discussions, an Assign To button will be made available on July 20, 2024. In Assignments, Discussions and Quizzes, the Assign To user interface is redesigned in a tray. Additionally, student SIS IDs are displayed alongside student names when available. This update streamlines instructor workflow and improves the ability to differentiate instruction of assignments and discussions.

screenshot of the Assignments Assign To Button

screenshot with the Manage Assign To link highlighted.

Pearson Canvas Integrations

Please be aware that the Pearson Canvas Integration has been upgraded to LTI 1.3 and is now called Access Pearson.

Faculty Technology Workshops

Blue circle with the works faculty technology workshop in 3dOIT’s Summer and Fall Faculty Technology Workshops have all you need to hit the ground running and make your courses the best they can be. Be on the lookout for an upcoming email and blog post from OIT or visit the IT Training Calendar here.

  • July LMS workshops are here.
  • August Faculty technology workshops are here.

Canvas LMS screenshots courtesy of (Instructure).

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Published by

Cassidy Porter and Ian Aberle
