News from the DeGolyer Library October 2019

News from the DeGolyer Library
October 2019
Southern Methodist University
October is American Archives Month! Created by the Society of American Archivists in 2006, it gives archivists the chance to tell people about the work we do. Each October, we celebrate the value of historical records, and aim to increase public awareness of the importance of preserving historical treasures and making them available for use by present and future generations. October is the perfect time to start that next research project, or to begin working on your family genealogy.
Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@degolyerlibrary) to see highlights from the collections and archivists working in their natural habitat!
Upcoming Events
DFW Archives Bazaar
Join the team from the DeGolyer, along with archivists, curators, librarians, and historians from across the Metroplex next Saturday, November 2nd, from 1 – 5pm, for the DFW Archives Bazaar, held at the Patterson-Appleton Arts Center in Denton. Explore collections and local institutions, and learn about archival research, conducting oral histories, and how you can preserve and digitize your family history. Free and open to the public!
Our Current Exhibit
“All Goes Onward and Outward”
Walt Whitman at 200
September 3 to November 15
Hillcrest Foundation Exhibit Hall, Fondren Library
The DeGolyer Library and renowned collector Robert Harris are marking the bicentennial of Walt Whitman’s birth with “All Goes Onward and Outward”: Walt Whitman at 200 . Mr. Harris has selected some treasures from his collection, ranging from the 1855 edition of  Leaves of Grass  to a souvenir viewbook on the 1957 opening of the Walt Whitman Bridge over the Delaware River.
On display are rare books, newspapers, periodicals, broadsides, posters, and photographs, all documenting Whitman’s place in American literature and culture. We are grateful to Mr. Harris not only for his curatorial expertise and generosity in lending parts of his collection but also for his estate plans, which will keep his collection intact in the DeGolyer Library where it will be preserved and available for future generations.
News & Notes
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to mark it, Samantha Dodd highlighted the Susan G. Komen papers and Susan G. Komen Foundation records. Read ‘In October We Wear Pink…’ to learn more about the famous foundation and its namesake, and click the links above to view the guides for both collections, which document philanthropy, women’s health leaders, and breast cancer education.
Halloween is a favorite holiday here at the DeGolyer. In search of something spooky in the stacks, Christina Jensen tracked down
Saducismus Triumphatus , a 1689 text that argued for the real existence of the supernatural, and gave numerous accounts of encounters with ghosts and cases of witchcraft in rural English communities. Click here to read ‘Season of the Witch‘ and have a happy Halloween!
From the Stacks
Collections Highlight
The SMU Mustangs are 8-0 at the time of writing, following a hard won victory over the University of Houston. So we’re digging further into the collection for more items highlighting the history of the team.
Pictured right is the Cotton Bowl program from 1957, when the Mustangs played University of Missouri Tigers. Click here to view more programs .
Click here for a guide to SMU sports history.
New Accessions
North Texas bookseller Shirley Dyess has been collecting for a long time, focusing especially on children’s books, cookbooks, and Texana. She’s decided, alas, to retire from the bookselling business, and in doing so, has given to the DeGolyer Library her collection of children’s books and cookbooks. We are delighted to give these materials a home, where they will be preserved and available for study, teaching, and research. Pictured right, The Animals Outing (1899)
Thank you, Shirley!
Newly Digitized Items
46 negatives shot by Richard Steinheimer, taken between 1949 and 1966, were recently digitized by the team at the Norwick Center for Digital Solutions, and added to the Richard Steinheimer Photograph collection . The images feature Santa Fe locomotives photographed across the American West.