How to Ask the Right Questions in Math – Part 1

In this first video of a two-part series, Erica Mason from the University of Missouri walks us through the different types of questions and why both are so critical to ensuring that all students are learning.

Explicit instruction is an evidence-based practice that any teacher can use in his or her own math class to engage learners and ensure that they are mastering the material.

A key component of explicit instruction is making sure to ask a variety of questions, both low level and high level.

How to Ask High-Level Questions in Math – Part 2

In part two of this two-part video series, Erica Mason from the University of Missouri tackles some troubleshooting logistics of asking meaningful questions to support all students.

Explicit instruction is an evidence-based practice that any teacher can use in his or her own math class to engage learners and ensure that they are mastering the material.

A key component of explicit instruction is making sure to ask a variety of questions, both low level and high level.

Creating Cognitively Demanding Tasks

Erica Mason from the University of Missouri walks through four ways of increasing the cognitive demands of math assignments without having to change the task or the material. Her suggestions include introducing reversibility into the math problems, asking students to represent the problem in multiple ways, algebra-fy the problem, and create an authentic context for the math problems.

Differentiating your instruction does not mean that you have to buy all new curriculum or go to great lengths to adjust your teaching to ensure that all of your students are challenged in your mathematics class.