Center for Global Health Impact

Center for Global Health Impact and Institute for Leadership Impact Release Joint 2019-2020 Report


The Center for Global Health Impact and the Institute for Leadership Impact, both headquartered at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, have released a joint impact report for the 2019-2020 academic year.


SMU Researchers Create Low-cost Virtual Reality Training to Improve Care during Labor and Delivery

SMU researchers receive funding from Wellcome Trust to develop low cost virtual reality training to help improve skills to surgically manage postpartum hemorrhage.  Such training may not only reduce time and cost to train providers but reduce risk of COVID-19 transmission by reducing face-to-face interactions during surgical training.

Center for Global Health Impact

SMU Epidemiologist Discusses Challenges for Reopening on CBS

[The coronavirus] doesn’t care about politics. It only understands its biology. If we don’t begin to think like the virus, people will die.

Undergraduate Education

COVID-19 Mindfulness Meditation Study

Mental health is an important factor during and after a global pandemic.

Uncategorized Undergraduate Education

SMU Students Virtually Present Pandemic Solutions before University Officials, Audience of Hundreds

At the largest Battle to Save Lives in the event’s six-year history, student proposals drew positive reviews from key SMU officials.

GPH Case Competition

Undergraduate Education

SMU Global & Public Health Class Hosts Virtual Lectures on Pandemic by Health Experts

SMU’s Global Public Health course shows how the online class meeting format can be leveraged to radically expand the borders of the classroom.


Undergraduate Education

SMU Students Developed Pandemic Solutions for Global & Public Health Case Competition

Combating Covid-19 on Campus FlyerThe sixth annual Battle to Save Lives featured SMU students’ strategies to suppress COVID-19 on campus.  

Undergraduate Education

SMU Professor of Global Health Restructures Course to Focus on Pandemic

When the coronavirus pandemic first threatened to send SMU students home, Professor of Global Health Eric G. Bing was in the middle of teaching his annual Creating Impact in Global and Public Health course.

Students in Dr. Eric G. Bing's Creating Impact in Global and Public Health class.
Students in Dr. Eric G. Bing’s Creating Impact in Global and Public Health class.