Africa ArXiv interviewed Ömer Özak about his research on the role of borders in conflict, one of the main problems in Africa. Continue reading “Ömer Özak explains relevance of his research to Africa”
Category: Media appearances
Ömer Özak among new wave of Colombian researchers
Ömer Özak was featured in Semana which is Colombia’s main weekly periodical. The article talks about how technology is changing the way scientists and social scientists are doing research and how the audience they are trying to reach is also changing to reflect a wider non-academic audience. Continue reading “Ömer Özak among new wave of Colombian researchers”
Listen to Mike Sposi on NPR
Dr. Mike Sposi was recently interviewed on NPR’s Market Place discussing the impact of President Trump’s tariffs on the pricing behavior of US firms. Click here to listen.
Listen: Klaus Desmet on trade, migration and climate change on KERA Think
Professor Klaus Desmet was recently interviewed by Krys Boyd on KERA Think about how trade and migration will be essential for the world to successfully deal with the massive global challenges faced due to climate change. Continue reading “Listen: Klaus Desmet on trade, migration and climate change on KERA Think”
Listen: James Lake talks on US-China Trade War podcast
Associate Professor James Lake was recently interviewed on a podcast “Two Perspectives on Continued Trade Talks Between the US and China” hosted by the Dallas-based B2B thought leadership marketing firm Market Scale. Continue reading “Listen: James Lake talks on US-China Trade War podcast”
James Lake Speaks to NBC on the Economic Impact of Border Shutdown
Watch the interview on NBC here, James Lake is an Associate Professor who specializes in international trade policy.
Klaus Desmet on Trade, Migration & Climate Change in The Catalyst
In the Spring 2019 issue of The Catalyst, the flagship quarterly publication of the George W. Bush Institute, Professor Klaus Desmet writes about how trade and migration can dramatically mitigate the otherwise grim global consequences of climate change. Continue reading “Klaus Desmet on Trade, Migration & Climate Change in The Catalyst”
James Lake on trade, technology and middle-tier jobs in The Catalyst
In the Fall 2018 issue of The Catalyst, the flagship quarterly publication of the George W. Bush Institute, Associate Professor James Lake writes about how trade and technology rather than trade is largely responsible for the disappearance of middle-tier jobs in the US. Continue reading “James Lake on trade, technology and middle-tier jobs in The Catalyst”