Dissertation by SMU PhD graduate Seth Emblem was featured in Australian media

The dissertation by Seth Emblem, a recent PhD graduate from SMU economics department, was featured by Inside Story, an Australian magazine featuring analysis, commentary and reporting by leading writers and researchers!

By surveying 300 Americans in late 2021, Seth’s dissertation shows that political partisan gaps tended to be smaller than people expected and that monetary incentives tended to diminish partisan gaps where they existed. 

See the Inside Story article here.

Professor Sposi discussed deindustrialization and industry polarization on Faculti Streaming Platform

Professor Michael Sposi discussed deindustrialization and industry polarization in an interview on the Faculti Streaming Platform.

See the video of the interview here

The Faculti Streaming Platform disseminates academic and professional research insights. It covers the most cited research in numerous research subjects.

Professor Klaus Desmet’s research on U.S. polarization was covered by an opinion piece in Le Monde, France’s premier newspaper

Professor Klaus Desmet’s research on U.S. polarization was covered by an opinion piece in Le Monde, France’s premier newspaper. 

French version: https://people.smu.edu/kdesmet/files/2024/10/LeMondeOct2024.pdf

English version: https://people.smu.edu/kdesmet/files/2024/10/LeMondeOct2024Eng.pdf

In this paper, Professor Desmet shows that for the last forty years, the degree of underlying polarization of the American public in terms of their values has been high and relatively stable. Growing partisan polarization in the U.S. is a reflection of partisan views becoming increasingly aligned with the main values-based clusters in society. For a link to the paper: https://people.smu.edu/kdesmet/files/2024/07/LatentPolarization.pdf.

Klaus Desmet on Vox: Facebook and gender gap in preferences

Klaus Desmet’s research has been featured recently in both a VoxEU column and a VoxTalk podcast! The basic question Klaus and his co-authors investigate is whether women and men more similar in their preferences in more gender-equal societies. Continue reading “Klaus Desmet on Vox: Facebook and gender gap in preferences”

Dan Millimet blog post on causalscience.org

Anyone who has sat in more than a few departmental seminars and presentations in the Economics department at SMU knows that Dan Millimet’s favorite subject matter is how measurement error affects the ability of empirical researchers to infer causal relationships from data. So, it’s no surprise that he has a new blog post on this issue for causalinference.org.

AEA podcast on Klaus Desmet’s climate change research

How might migration help in the world’s response to climate change? Listen to this episode of the AEA podcast series to hear Klaus Desmet explain how his research shows that migration is likely to play a key role in mitigating the economic damage of global warming and rising sea levels.

Continue reading “AEA podcast on Klaus Desmet’s climate change research”

Woo Kim’s research in Vox

Woo Kim, a first-year Assistant Professor, has written a piece in VoxChina about his research into the Korean government’s baby bonus program. In the early 2000s, the Korean government began giving cash payments to parents of newborn babies that depended on where a family lived, when they had their baby and how many children they already had. Continue reading “Woo Kim’s research in Vox”