Two Forthcoming Books from CPH

The Center For Presidential History will be releasing two books in the near future: The Four Freedoms: FDR and the Evolution of An American Idea (Oxford University Press), and Faith in the New Millennium: The Future of Religion and American Politics(Oxford University Press). CPH will be hosting a book release and signing at our final semester event on December 9. The event is open to the public and free to attend. Further details on the event and how to register can be found here.

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Post-Doctoral Fellowship Position at CPH

The Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University invites applications for a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship, to begin in September 2016. The successful candidate will couple their own research and publishing agenda with their contributions to the Center’s Collective Memory Project, a wide-ranging oral history of the George W. Bush Presidency.  Fellows receive a competitive salary and benefits, funds to support independent research, and are initially appointed for one year with expectation of renewal for a second year in residence. For more details on the position or to submit an application, please click here.

The Center for Presidential History’s Interim Director

dr. thomas knockThe CPH is pleased to announce that Dr. Thomas Knock has been appointed the Interim Director of the Center for Presidential History for the Fall 2015 semester. Dr. Knock is currently an Associate Professor of History and Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor of Foreign Relations at SMU. He has published several distinguished works, including his book To End All Wars: Woodrow Wilson and the Quest for a New World Order. His next book, The Life and Times of George McGovern (Princeton UP), will appear in February 2016. During his career, he has received SMU’s “M” Award (1998), Willis Tate Award (1995), and the Warren F. Kuehl Prize (1993) and the Godbey Series Author’s Award (1993). The CPH is looking forward to a great semester of partnership with Dr. Knock.