In Developing an Arts Venture Plan, one of the required courses in the minor of Arts Entrepreneurship at Meadows, students each interviewed three individuals they identified to be current arts entrepreneurs. The students asked a range of questions, but primarily about business plans. “Is creating a business plan necessary in the process of arts entrepreneurship?” “Did you have one when you started?” “What tips can you offer?” These are just a few of the many questions students asked and that will be presented here.
This feedback from close to forty arts entrepreneurs has been fascinating and you may find the results to be as surprising as we did. Of those interviewed, how many successful and active arts entrepreneurs started with plans? How many think they are necessary? We will be exploring questions around this topic as we begin the series: Plans and Planning
We hope you enjoy and find these interviews as insightful, entertaining and surprising as we have. Check back in the next week for the first posts of Plans and Planning.
“Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
Jim Hart
I love looking at your web site. Thanks a ton!
Thank YOU. Please check back often!