Better Advertising. Better World. Graduate Students Internships Masters in Advertising Program

Executive Internships 2016: Colleen Welch-O’Brien

In the final semester of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s MA in Advertising program, students work in an executive internship with a Dallas agency. Read Colleen’s story below.

Colleen Welch-O’Brien : Mary Kay Inc.


I am interning at the global headquarters of Mary Kay Inc. in the Global Corporate Integrated Brand Marketing department in Web Content. My responsibilities include: the global adoption analysis for both Web and Social Media, competitive monitoring and reporting, campaign tracking, and updating and refreshing product content.

I love coming in to work every day and I feel that I am a valuable member of the team, even as an intern. My ideas are always listened to and everyone has been incredibly nice. I’m so happy to be working at Mary Kay Inc. because I am able to apply my love of different cultures and research on a daily basis.


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