
Temerlin Students Participate in NSAC Competition

The 2013 NSAC Ad Team, led by advisor Brice Campbell, left for Tulsa today to present their campaign at the competition. According to the NSAC website (or National Student Advertising Competition), the contest provides a “real world situation to challenged the students’ critical thinking abilities and creativity.” Students are required to research both the assigned product and its competition to identify problems and opportunities. The team will then pitch their campaign to a panel of industry judges at the competition.

The winning team in the AAF’s 10th district will advance to compete at the national level.

The team consists of Lizzie Andrews, Kayla Dietz, Kevin Do, Taylor Foran, Carmen Golden, Leigh Groeschell, Taylor Harper, Jess Johnson, Kayla Ketelsen, Sarah Mamlouk, Nadia Mansour, Hannah Mitchell, Noelle Mulholland, Jay Neikirk, Gabi Pineda, Lauren Proctor, Sarah Rodriguez, Karla Ruzo, Breea Sharma, Molly Tilton, Morgan Toal, and Adella Winder.

For more information about NSAC please visit the competition website.

By Hanna Lewin

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