Tag: Manuscripts

Summer in Miami…Texas

Summer in Miami…Texas You can spend your summer traveling to Paris (Texas), or Italy (Texas). But why not instead take a trip to Miami (Texas)? Miami, the county seat of Roberts County, is on U.S. Highway 60 between Canadian and Pampa in the southeastern part of the county. This photograph and scrap album, kept by…Continue Reading Summer in Miami…Texas

Time for a little Arts and Crafts…

The Dallas Federation of Women’s Clubs (DFWC), originally named the City Federation of Women’s Clubs, was created in 1898 as the consolidation of five existing women’s cultural and literary clubs. At the general meeting on November 3, 1931, the federation entertained a recommendation for the formation of the Three Arts Study Club, a new women’s…Continue Reading Time for a little Arts and Crafts…

Hooray for Hollywood!

As I read through the list of Golden Globe and Academy Award winners, I realized that even though I was quarantined for the better part of last year, I somehow still missed so many movies and television shows. It seems as though 2021 will be another yearlong binge-a-thon. The papers of Margaret Tallichet Wyler document…Continue Reading Hooray for Hollywood!

National Library Week 2021

It’s National Library Week, and this year’s theme is “Welcome to Your Library.” The library universe has long extended far beyond the four walls of a building and during this past tumultuous year, librarians around the world found new ways to meet the information needs of their communities, such as curbside service virtual reference, and…Continue Reading National Library Week 2021

Remembering Larry McMurtry, Texas author and bookseller

                        Larry McMurtry was an author and bookseller from Archer City, Texas who wrote about Texas and the American West to worldwide acclaim. His best known works include Lonesome Dove, The Last Picture Show, Terms of Endearment, and Brokeback Mountain. In 1969 his novel,…Continue Reading Remembering Larry McMurtry, Texas author and bookseller

International Women’s Day 2021

March 8th is International Women’s Day. It is a global day celebrating all of the achievements of women, and to raise awareness about women’s equality. In the United States, March is celebrated as Women’s History Month. This national tradition originated in 1981 when Congress requested that the President proclaim a “Women’s History Week.” In 1987…Continue Reading International Women’s Day 2021

Nela Río, Argentine-Canadian artist and educator

Nela Río was born in Córdoba, Argentina in 1938 and was a writer from an early age. She studied literature in college in Argentina, at Emory University in Georgia, and finally earned a graduate degree from the University of New Brunswick in Canada. The political environment in Mendoza, Argentina and her first husband’s teaching career…Continue Reading Nela Río, Argentine-Canadian artist and educator

C is for cookie that’s good enough for me, nom…nom…nom

It’s that time of year again. Even though the pandemic has forced us to change things up a bit, I can still hear the sweet call…”Would you like to buy a box of Girl Scout cookies?” The Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. is an organization devoted to furthering the development of girls and young women…Continue Reading C is for cookie that’s good enough for me, nom…nom…nom

My dear husband…

128 years ago, on January 5th, 1893, Frankie Smith wrote a letter on stationery of “Office of C.R. Breedlove, Horse Brand TZ, Cattle Brand X-Z” to her husband W.R. Smith in Colorado, Texas. Her honest and rather “frank” note details their affairs at home including their infant son (“the lad”), visiting Aunt J. and Lulu…Continue Reading My dear husband…

(Not) home for the holidays

“I’ll be home for Christmas,” promised Bing Crosby in 1943 in one of that year’s top hits. “I’ve been here all year anyway,” quips one of the myriad of memes trending on social media at the end of 2020. Both allude to situations in which protagonists long to be reunited with their loved ones for…Continue Reading (Not) home for the holidays