Reference, Access, Outreach. These words don’t mean much to the public, but for archivists, they describe how we interact with the public. People might understand that we collect old “stuff,” but then what happens? Reference happens. In the DeGolyer Library we help people find answers through phone calls, via email, and when they come…Continue Reading DeGolyer Library goes live at DFW Archives Bazaar
Doing It–Creating Controversy at SMU
During the summer, our friends at the William G Jones film archives discovered a fascinating, and little known, story about an uproar at Southern Methodist University in its WFAA Newsfilm Collection. The controversy centered over the student handbook. Student handbooks are often the most mundane of publications—they’re rarely even read by the students who are…Continue Reading Doing It–Creating Controversy at SMU
Under Construction–Putting the Pieces together for an Exhibit
When people think about working in a rare book library, they imagine librarians reading books all day. What they don’t imagine is the hard physical work that we do many days. Lifting boxes of books. Shelving and reshelving books. Putting the pieces together for an exhibit. Moving the cases. Lifting the lids. Putting material…Continue Reading Under Construction–Putting the Pieces together for an Exhibit