CUL Digital Collections: New Items Added in January 2016
In January 2016, SMU’s Central University Libraries uploaded 363 items into CUL Digital Collections. CUL now has approximately 51,009 published items.
Highlights include:
6 prints and 128 photographs from the Elmer and Diane Powell Collection on the Mexican Revolution. These prints include political cartoons regarding the U.S. reaction to the conflict, a portrait of Porfirio Diaz, and covers from periodicals of the day. The photographs include photographic postcards of executions and firing squads, images of Mexican soldiers and artillery, and some images of the U.S. military. Most of the photographs were taken by or attributed to Walter H. Horne and Robert Runyon.
21 items, ca. 1895-1910, from the Thomas Hudson Thatcher collection of Mexico and Texas Photographs, including the Album of Photographs from the Coahuila Mining Region, as well as photographs of bullfighting in Mexico and a picture of the Cook’s Addition Streetcar in Denver, Colorado.
161 SMU campus newspapers, March 1969-August 1970, and 3 M-Books (student handbooks) from the Southern Methodist University Student Handbook Collection. The M-Books, published in 1916, 1919, and 1934, were given to students at Southern Methodist University at the beginning of each year to help them acclimate to campus life.
3 railroad maps: The MK and T: Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway; Houston and Texas Central System of Railways, March 1882; and Houston & Texas Central System of Railroads, 1898.
10 Baldwin Locomotive Works builder’s cards for the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railway.
26 stereographs from the Stereographs of the U.S. West and Midwest collection. Highlights include a series documenting Yellowstone National Park and the Badlands in Wyoming.
History of the Point Fermin Landslide, San Pedro, California, which includes maps and statistical tables documenting the slow moving Point Fermin landslide zone in San Pedro, California between 1929-1940.