Olivia Mae Vrielink
Candidate for Juris Doctor, May 2024
SMU Dedman School of Law
Dallas, TX

Olivia Mae Vrielink is currently in her third year at SMU Dedman School of Law. She has an interest in tax and estate planning. Before law school, Olivia Mae attended Texas A&M University where she studied philosophy. Upon graduation, she will work as an associate at Neuhoff Hunt PLLC, a trusts and estates boutique in Dallas.

Serene Zidan
Candidate for Juris Doctor, May 2024
SMU Dedman School of Law
Dallas, TX

Serene Zidan is a third-year law student at SMU Dedman School of Law. She serves as one of the Corporate Counsel Symposium Editors for the SMU Law Review Association. Serene is a Tsai Scholar for the Tsai Center of Law, Science and Innovation. She has an interest in patent law. Prior to law school, Serene attended Southern Methodist University, where she received degrees in biology and chemistry.