Leadership Training

2021-2022 District Leadership Fellows Cohort Convenes

Twenty-seven district leaders have kicked off the 2010-2022 District Leadership Fellows cohort with an online meeting.  

District Leadership Fellows cohort convenes

Leaders from Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas and New York have kicked off the 2021-2022 cohort of District Leadership Fellows program with an online meeting.  After a quick welcome, the leaders jumped right into a leadership challenge before introducing themselves and their districts.    

Fellows have been taking a deep dive into goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound (SMART).  They have been working through the resources available to them in their district and communities as Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT).  Fellows will be incorporating this information into an Impact Model for a problem of practice in their district.

Part of Impact Model

Fellows will add activities and lead and lag measures to their model.  Peer Group meetings, along with group and individual coaching, will provide ongoing support and encouragement as leaders update and implement their Impact Models as the year continues.  

To learn more about Institute for Leadership Impact programs, visit our website, email us at, and engage with us on Twitter.   

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