Inside Dedman College
Originally Published: November 5, 2015
Bonnie Wheeler, Associate Professor and Director of Medieval Studies, was given a “40 years at SMU” party this August, and it came with a joyful twist: hosts Kathryn and Stephen Arata announced their intent to establish The Bonnie Wheeler Centennial Professorship in Medieval European Literature. The professorship will be housed in the English Department, Wheeler’s institutional home at SMU.
Wheeler wears many hats as a scholar-teacher. She founded the interdisciplinary SMU Medieval Studies Program in 1978 (and has directed it ever since). Here students can choose a minor, major, or M.A. Its graduates go into every career with the knowledge that, when they get to Paris or Istanbul, they will be able to impress their companions with information about the art, literature, and history of these places. READ MORE