Tag Archives: education

Pros and Cons of Social Media in Education (Infographic)

Justin Marquis Ph.D. of OnlineUniversities.com produced this excellent infographic on the Pros and Cons of Social Media in Education. Via: Online Universities Blog Click the image for a larger version.

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The Gamification of Education (Infographic)

Gamification [n]: the use of game design elements in non-game contexts. Gamification has tremendous potential in the education space. How can we use it to deliver truly meaningful experiences to students? Let us know what you think in the comments. … Continue reading

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Freakonomics: Those Cheating Teachers!

From Freakonomics.com: This year alone has seen teacher-cheating scandals in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Atlanta, and elsewhere; in this week’s Times, Sharon Otterman reports how New York State is trying to curtail cheating and offers some specific instances of past … Continue reading

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iTunes U Introduction: The Movie

Apple has posted an introduction video to iTunes U. If you are still not quite sure what it is and how to use it, the video covers it all. You can check out the video here: An Introduction to iTunes … Continue reading Continue reading

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Music for elearning projects

A perennial faculty question is where can to find free or low cost music that I can use in Powerpoint presentations, Blackboard courses, podcasts, or other pedagogical projects. The July 31, 2007 issue of Online Learning News and Reviews has … Continue reading Continue reading

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