Embedded PDF files take a long time to display in a web browser. This is caused by the browser launching Acrobat Player inside your browser window.
Placing a Word file into a web page can cause its problems. Mac users have the document download to their desktop. Some users may not have a way to view Word documents.
There is an alternative to posting your documents in Blackboard or web page. Be sure to check out the example below. Try all the nifty features like page turning and zoom.
Scribd is a technology that makes it easy to share documents online. You can think of Scribd as a big online library where everyone can publish original content, including you! You can also make your documents private for only your students to see.
What kinds of things can I do with Scribd?
Scribd is full of cool and interesting features that will transform how you work with documents on the web!
Upload documents in many different formats, including Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, plain text, HTML, PowerPoint, Excel, OpenOffice, JPEG, and more!
Embed your documents in a blog, Facebook profile, or other external website with your fonts, images, and formatting fully intact
Host a document at Scribd with its own unique URL
Unlimited storage – upload as many documents as you like
Your choice of one of four uploaders that best suits your needs
Keep certain documents private or share with a limited number of friends
Automatically convert published content into PDF, Word, and plain text
Retain full document copyright or make your documents available under Creative Commons licensesRead this document on Scribd: BB6-Quickstart