“Welcome to Academhack.org. The goal of this site is to serve as a resource for academics trying to navigate the world of computing and technology. There are many sites that do a good job of exploring and theorizing how the growing digital presence is changing the world of academia, and there are also a host of sites that catalog ways to use technology effective, there certainly seems to be a lack of sites dedicated to bridging this gap. That is, outlining the more concrete ways technology and computers can be used to improve both teaching (how to get beyond the use of Power Point) and scholarship (did you know there are more effective, cheaper, alternatives to MS Word-how does a $30 word processor designed by academics sound?). To that end, this blog is going to try to chronicle how I use technology in an effort to teach and write more effectively.”
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- Answering Service on College Textbooks Now Available on the iPhone & iPod touch.
- FST on Academic Technology is on the move!
- alex on ACU Connected Open House: Collaborative Spaces
- alex on ACU Connected Open House: Collaborative Spaces
- Josh Smith, Smithpublicity.com on Pros and Cons of Social Media in Education (Infographic)
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