
Look for orphaned Active Directory home directories

This PowerShell script will iterate through all home directory folders in our Windows file share server and search Active Directory for a homeDirectory path value that ends with that folder name (it actually looks for *\<folderName> so it will only return exact matches).

The script has to be run from a location that has network access and read permissions on the physical volume on the file share server, and also requires the Active Directory PowerShell module to be loaded.

$strHomeServer = "\\server"
$strUsersPath =  "\l$\users\"
$arrDirectories = Get-ChildItem $strHomeServer$strUsersPath | where {$_.attributes -match "directory"}
Write-Host "Number of home directories: $arrDirectories.count" | Out-File C:\scripts\homeDirAudit.txt -Append
$arrDirectories | %{
$objDirectory = $_
# \5c is the LDAP escape sequence for the \ character
this info from help about_ActiveDirectory_Filter
$searchString = "*\5c" + $_
$objUser = (Get-ADUser -Filter {homeDirectory -like $searchString} -Properties homeDirectory)
if (-not $objUser) { "$objDirectory not found!" }
else { $objUser | select @{n='Folder Name';e={$objDirectory}}, name, homeDirectory }
} | Out-File C:\scripts\homeDirAudit.txt -Append


Detecting disconnected Exchange mailboxes

Here’s how to detect Active Directory accounts that had an Exchange 2010 SP1 mailbox at one time, but the mailbox has since been disconnected, aka disabled.

Essentially find all accounts where a msExchWhenMailboxCreated value exists and a homeMDB value does not exist.

Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(&(msExchWhenMailboxCreated=*)(!homeMDB=*))" -Properties CanonicalName, msExchWhenMailboxCreated | sort CanonicalName | ft CanonicalName, msExchWhenMailboxCreated -AutoSize

– or-

Get-ADUser -Filter {(msExchWhenMailboxCreated -like "*") -and -not (homeMDB -like "*")} -Properties CanonicalName, msExchWhenMailboxCreated | sort CanonicalName | ft CanonicalName, msExchWhenMailboxCreated -AutoSize

This allows us to know before creating a mailbox for a user whether we should first bother to look for a disconnected mailbox that may already exist for the user.