- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- Keynote address, “Three Frontiers, One Map: Making the Oldest Boundary of the Middle East”, Consortium for Asian and African Studies Annual Conference, Tokyo 22-23 October, 2016
- “Corpses, Cholera, and the Making of the Ottoman-Iranian Boundaries,” 25 October 2016, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
- “Ottoman-Iranian Borderlands,” International Society for Iranian Studies Bi-Annual Conference, 2-5 August, 2016.Vienna, Austria
- Awards
- National Endowment for Humanities Fellowship (2017-2018)
- Papers and Publications
- Book. Refugee Economies: Forced Displacement and Development, Oxford University Press, 2016
- Book. Mobilising the Diaspora: How Refugees Challenge Authoritarianism, Cambridge University Press, 2016
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- TED talk: “Why Brexit Happened and What to do Next“, July 2016
- Panelist at the United Nations General Assembly side event on Refugee Self-Reliance, Sept. 19, 2016
- Awards
- Oxford University Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement with Research, July 2016
- Honoured as World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, class of 2016
- Foreign Policy Magazine’s Top 100 Global Thinkers of 2016
Katherine Bliss, Senior Fellow
- Papers and Publications
- Katherine E. Bliss, “Improving Newborn Health in Ghana: Strengthening Services in the Center and the Periphery,” CSIS Task Force on Women’s & Family Health
- Katherine E. Bliss and Cathryn Streifel, “Healthy Experiments: Innovative Approaches to U.S. Support for RMNCH in Ghana,” (CSIS: Washington, DC, August, 2016)
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- Panelist, “The Race for a Zika Vaccine,” Pacific Council Members Weekend, Los Angeles, October 15, 2016
- Speaker, “Transitional Research: Lessons Learned in Moving from Academia to Public Policy…and Back Again?” New York University, New York, November 9, 2016
- Moderator, “Venezuela’s Health Sector: Current Crisis and Opportunities for International Engagement,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, December 14, 2016
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- TEDxSMUWomen, “Harmful Traditional Practices: Norms, Laws, and Activism,” Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX (October 2016)
- “Motive, Opportunity, and the Evolution of the Kenyan NGO Sector.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (September 2016)
Victoria Farrar-Myers, Senior Fellow
- Papers and Publications
- “Hidden Corporate Profits in the U.S. Prison System: The Unorthodox Policy-Making of the American Legislative Exchange Council.” Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice, 19: 380-400 (2016). (co-authors: Rebecca Cooper, Caroline Heldman & Alissa R. Ackerman)
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- “Digital Media Expenditures in Congressional Elections: Impacts and Trends.” Paper presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA (co-authors: Jeff Gulati & Christine B. Williams)
- Media Appearances
- The McCuistion Program (PBS): “How Social Media and Technology Influence Elections“
- Publications
- “Race, knowledge production and Chinese nationalism,” Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 22, Issue 3, Pgs. 428–432, coauthored with Kevin Carrico
- “Liberals, Conservatives, and Latin America: How Ideology Divides Americans over Immigration and Foreign Aid,” Latin American Research Review, Vol. 51, No. 3 (Fall 2016)
- Publications
- Erin R. Hochman, Imagining a Greater Germany: Republican Nationalism and the Idea of Anschluss (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2016)
- Papers and Publications
- Book Chapter. A Rose by Any Other Name: How the United States Charges Its Service Members for Violating the Laws of War in Military Justice in the Modern Age (Cambridge University Press 2016)
- Book Chapter. Reimagining the Wheel: Detention – and Release – of Non-State Actors Under the Geneva Conventionsin Detention of Non-State Actors Engaged in Hostilities: The Future Law (Oxford University Press 2016)
- False Rubicons, Moral Panic & Conceptual Cul-De-Sacs: Critiquing and Reframing the Call to Ban Lethal Autonomous Weapons, 44 Pepp. L. Rev. 1 (2016) (lead article)
- The Distraction of Full Autonomy & The Need To Refocus The CCW LAWS Discussion On Critical Functions, German Federal Foreign Office (2016)
- Additional Writings
- CCW Review Conference: Autonomous Weapons Discussion to Continue But Regulation Remains Unlikely, Just Security (Dec. 21, 2016) available at https://www.justsecurity.org/35758/ccw-review-conference-lethal-autonomous-weapons-systems-laws-discussion-continue-2017-regulation-remains/
- What to Expect from Next Week’s Fifth CCW Review Conference Focusing on Lethal Autonomous Weapons, , Just Security (Dec. 9, 2016) available at https://www.justsecurity.org/35432/expect-weeks-ccw-review-conference-focusing-lethal-autonomous-weapons/
- Coalition Operations & The Obligation to Investigate IHL Violations, EJIL Talk (Sept. 28, 2016) available athttp://www.ejiltalk.org/joint-series-on-international-law-and-armed-conflict-chris-jenks-on-coalition-operations-the-obligation-to-investigate-ihl-violations/
- Letter to the Editor: Suggestions for Just Security’s Questions to the Presidential Candidates, Just Security (Sept. 27, 2016) available at https://www.justsecurity.org/33196/letter-editor-suggestions-questions-presidential-candidates/
- Media Appearances
- Nidhi Subbaraman, A Fight is Just Getting Started on Banning Killer Robots, Buzz Feed, Dec. 16, 2016 available athttps://www.buzzfeed.com/nidhisubbaraman/killer-robots-un?utm_term=.qcRwVm0gO#.rlrAlG5ME
- Ben Wolfgang & Andrea Noble, Huma Abedin Handled Classified Data on Computer Shared with Anthony Weiner, Wash. Times, Nov. 1, 2016, available at http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/nov/1/huma-abedin-often-handled-classified-data-on-compu/
- Papers and Publications
- National Security Law and the Constitution (Geoffrey Corn, Jimmy Gurulé, and Jeffrey Kahn, Aspen/Wolters Kluwer, 2017)
- “Protection and Empire”: The Martens Clause, State Sovereignty, and Individual Rights, 56 Virginia J. Int’l L. 1-49 (2016) (lead article)
- At SMU visit, Trump’s foreign policy adviser was a modern-day Joe McCarthy, Dallas Morning News, July 25, 2016 (online) & July 26, 2016 at 15A (print)
- A ‘No Buy’ List for Guns Is a Bad Idea, New York Times, July 1, 2016, at A23 (print and online)
- Review of Mary McAuley, Human Rights in Russia and Lauri Mälksoo, ed., Russia and European Human-Rights Law in 75 Slavic Review 1060-1062 (Winter 2016)
- Reports
- Expert Opinion and Report filed on December 21, 2016, in Ahmad Abou-Elmaati et al. v. Attorney General of Canada, Abdullah Almalki et al. v. Attorney General of Canada, and Muayyed Nureddin et al. v. Attorney General of Canada on five questions propounded by plaintiffs’ counsel. These cases, filed in the Superior Court of Justice in Ontario and each seeking CAN$100,000,000 in damages, may go to trial in January. The plaintiffs seek compensation for their torture and interrogation overseas in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The cases are described by CBC News, the Toronto Star, and the Ottawa Sun, the latter of which described the litigation as “a case like no other in Canada’s legal history, and could set key precedents for civil claims filed by other alleged victims in the war on terror.”
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- Participant, Roundtable on “Rethinking the Role of Law in Contemporary Russia,” at Annual Meeting of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Washington, D.C., Nov. 19, 2016
- Presenter, “Hybrid Warfare, International Humanitarian Law, and the Case of Ukraine,” at ASIL Mid-Year Meeting, University of Washington Law School, Seattle, WA, Nov. 12, 2016
- Presentation on terrorist watchlists at conference “Protecting Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law in the Age of Terrorism” cosponsored by the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, the Wilson Center’s Rule of Law Initiative, the Kennan Institute, and the Middle East Program, Washington D.C., Oct. 17, 2016 (follow-up interview on Wilson Center NOW with John Milewski, https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/civil-liberties-the-age-terrorism-part-1)
- Lecture on terrorist watchlists, 2016 Conference for Justice: National Law Conference for Imams and Mosque Leaders, Dallas, TX, Oct. 9, 2016
- Lecture entitled “The Proliferation of Terrorist Watch Lists in the U.S.,” International Institute for Strategic Studies, Arundel House, London, Sept. 22, 2016
- Presenter, “‘Unlawful Influence’ and the al-Nashiri Military Commission at Guantánamo Bay,” at the Asia Pacific Military Justice Workshop, National University of Singapore Faculty of Law, Sept. 20-21, 2016
- Lecture entitled “The Temptation of Terrorist Watchlists: How the U.S. No-Fly List is Changing the Meaning of Citizenship,” National University of Singapore Faculty of Law, Sept. 15, 2016
- Panelist, Fugh Symposium on Law and Military Operations, The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, Department of the Army, Charlottesville, VA, Aug. 10, 2016
- Awards
- Fulbright Grant to Norway at PluriCourts – Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order (University of Oslo, Faculty of Law)
- Publications
- Kunovich, Robert M. and Sheri Kunovich. 2016.“The Gender Gap in Political Knowledge in Poland.” Polish Sociological Review 1(193): 33-49
- Kunovich, Robert M. and Sheri Kunovich. 2016. “Consequences of Political Knowledge for Democratic Attitudes among Men and Women in Poland.” Social Inequality and Life Course: Poland’s Transformative Years, 1988-2013. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers
- Papers and Publications
- Review of Islam and The Future of Tolerance, A Dialogue by Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz (Harvard University Press, 2015) in Phi Beta Kappa’s “Life of the Mind”
- Papers and Publications
- Book Chapter. “Less-Skilled Immigration: Economic Effects and Policy Responses” (coauthored with Madeline Zavodny) in The US Labor Market: Questions and Challenges for Public Policy (AEI Press 2016)
Joshua Rovner, Senior Fellow and Tower Center Director of Studies
- Appointments
- Co-chair of the Board of Editors at the International Security Studies Forum
- Papers and Publications
- “The Chilcot Inquiry on the Iraq War,” H-Diplo ISSF Policy Roundtable, Vol. 1, No. 1 (September 2016)
- “Will Team Trump Politicize Intelligence?” War on the Rocks (online), December 15, 2016
- “This is why the push for transparency may have cost Clinton the election,” The Washington Post (online), November 28, 2016
- “Donald Trump and the Future of Intelligence,” Lawfare (online), January 8, 2017
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- “Two Kinds of Catastrophe: Nuclear Weapons and Conventional War in Asia,” Naval Postgraduate School, November 2016
- “Strategy and the Surge in Iraq,” Duke University, November 2016
- “Strategy, Grand Strategy, and U.S.-China Relations,” Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense, October 2016
- Intelligence-Policy Relations and India’s Nuclear Program: 1958-1998,” American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, September 2016
- “Cyber and Conflict: Transformation or the Status Quo?” American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, September 2016
- “Intelligence and the Iraq War Revisited: The Chilcot Report,” University of Oxford, July 2016
Carolyn Smith-Morris, Associate
- Papers and Publications
- Smith-Morris, Carolyn. “The Traditional Food of Migrants: Meat, Water, and Other Challenges for Dietary Advice. An Ethnography in Guanajuato, Mexico”. Appetite 105:430-438
- Smith-Morris, Carolyn. “Diagnosis and the Punctuated Life-Course”. In Lenore Manderson, Liz Cartwright, and Anita Hardon (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology, Routledge Press
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- Discussant for Session Titled “Recursive Cascades, Syndemics and Chronicities of Ill Health: Interrogating the ‘Social’ in Comorbidity and Decline”. American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 15-20, 2016
- (First Author with Kathryn Bouskill) “Eye Care Referral Gaps and the Staff Who Bridge Them: Work-Arounds in Ophthalmology Care at 3 California FQHC’s”. American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 15-20, 2016
- Papers and Publications
- Collection Texas Style: An Analysis of Consumer Collection Practices In and Out of the Courts, 67 HASTINGS L.J. 1476 (2016) (with Ann Baddour)
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- Panelist, Fair Debt Collection, Consumer Financial Litigation Symposium, Dallas, Summer 2016
- Presenter, FDCPA Update 2016, 12th Annual Advanced Consumer & Commercial Law Course, State Bar of Texas, September 2016
Hiroki Takeuchi, Senior Fellow
- Papers and Publications
- “The ‘Beyond-Economics’ Importance of the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” in Arthur Alexander (ed.), New Perspectives on Japan from the U.S.-Japan Network of the Future (Washington, D.C.: Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, 2016): 59–65
- “The Homework That the United States Does Not Do,” in Arthur Alexander (ed.), New Perspectives on Japan from the U.S.-Japan Network of the Future (Washington, D.C.: Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, 2016): 55–57
- “The United States with Rising Anti-Internationalism” (in Japanese). Koken 639 (November 2016): 14–5
- “Dialogue: What Is Dictatorship? Insights from Comparative Authoritarianism” (in Japanese) (co-authored with Satoshi Ikeuchi). Koken 638 (October 2016): 36–67
- “Implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership for Chinese Politics” (in Korean). Sungkyun China Brief 41 (October 2016)
- “‘The Dallas Police Shooting Incident,’ ‘Trump,’ and ‘Twitter’” (in Japanese). Foresight (August 23, 2016)
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- “The U.S.-Japan Relations under the New U.S. Administration” (in Japanese), Lecture at the School of International Politics, Economics and Communication, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan, November 2016
- “The Chinese Island-Building in the South China Sea,” Lecture at the University of Dallas Alexander Hamilton Society Chapter, November 2016
- “International Production Networks and Security in the Asia-Pacific: Institution Building, Domestic Politics, and International Relations,” Lecture at School of Economics, Keio University, October 2016
- “American Politics and Japan-U.S. Relations” (in Japanese), Lecture at Waseda Juku, Tokyo, Japan, October 2016.
- “Japan-U.S. Relations and the Japanese Economy” (in Japanese), Lecture at School of Economics, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan, October 2016
- Papers and Publications
- Book. A History of Princeton Swimming and Diving (Second Edition), self published, July 2016
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- “Open-Access Monograph Publishing,” Open Access Week at SMU, October 2016
- Papers and Publications
- Lembe M. Tiky. 2017. Les Six Plaies du Cameroon et leur Impact sur le Développement du Pays. Paris, France: Dianoia.
- Appointments
- Amy Abboud Ware Centennial Professor in Criminal Law
- Papers and Publications
- Reply to Miriam Baer and Michael Doucette’s Reviews of Two Models of Pre-Plea Discovery in Criminal Cases, 73 Wash & Lee L. Rev. Online 471 (2016) (with Allison Redlich)
- The Exclusionary Rule as a Symbol of the Rule of Law, 6 Search & Seizure L. Rep. 49 (2016) (adapted version of piece published earlier in 67 SMU L. Rev. 821 (2014))
- Regulating Interrogations and Excluding Confessions in the United States: Balancing Individual Rights and the Search for Truth, Report for International Research Project on “Securing a Fair Trial Through Excluding Evidence? A Comparative Perspective” (2016)
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- Defense Perspectives on Fairness and Efficiency at the International Criminal Court, Am. Soc. Int’l L., International Criminal Law Interest Group, Annual Works-in-Progress Workshop, Dec. 9, 2016, SMU Dedman School of Law, Dallas, TX
- ICTY Convicts Karadzic: A Roundtable Discussion About a New Interpretation of Genocide?, International Law Weekend, Am. Branch of the Int’l Law Assoc., New York, NY, Oct. 29, 2016
- Moderator, The Nuremberg Tribunals’ Legacy, SMU Dedman School of Law, Oct. 24, 2016
- Balancing Efficiency and Fairness at the International Criminal Court: A Survey of Defense Perspectives, Strengthening the Validity of International Criminal Tribunals, PluriCourts, University of Oslo, Aug. 29, 2016
- Balancing Efficiency and Fairness at the International Criminal Court: A Survey of Defense Perspectives, SEALS Annual Conference, Amelia Island, FL, Aug. 7, 2016
- Two Models of Pre-Plea Discovery in Criminal Cases: An Empirical Comparison, Law and Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 4, 2016
Bernard L. Weinstein, Associate
- Papers and Publications
- The Hill, “Fuel cells can help battle climate change,” July 11, 2016
- WalletHub.com, “What makes energy costs higher in some states than in others?” July 13, 2016
- IBD Weekly, “It’s Time to Rethink The Ethanol Mandate,” August 29, 2016
- Fort Worth Star-Telegram, “Regulatory overreach, not just cheap natural gas, is killing coal,” November 3, 2016
- Media Appearances
- John Batchelor Show, “Sisi of Egypt Disdains Erdogan of Turkey,” July 20, 2016
- John Batchelor Show, “Trump the Energy President,” November 9, 2016