
Coming Spring 2014: New TAI Creative Suite and Collaborative Space

Pardon the dust! The Temerlin Advertising Institute (TAI) is proud to announce that the renovation of a new creative suite and collaborative space for all advertising students is officially underway! The space, located in the Umphrey Lee Center on SMU’s main campus in Dallas, will feature both a classroom for our creative and graphic design courses, as well as collaborative/co-working area for all advertising students. It will be state-of-the-art, equipped with the latest technology to make it easy for students to “connect and collaborate”.

The space is designed to resemble a modern advertising agency, and will include areas for students to work independently, as well as areas for brainstorming and team collaborations.

Future TAI Creative Suite
Rendering of Future TAI Creative/Graphic Design Classroom & Co-Working Space

Renovations will be completed in late spring of 2014. The Temerlin Advertising Institute is excited about this project and believes the open, updated atmosphere will enhance its students’ learning experience. For more information about TAI’s student facilities and courses, please visit our website.