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TAI MA Alumnus Wins at Cannes


What do you do when a no kill Animal Shelter in DFW turns to you increase exposure for the many animals looking for a loving home? If you’re Arturo Lee (MA ’14) and the team at Dieste, you create an award-winning campaign!

About the Campaign
Adoptable Trends is a proactive campaign for Dallas Pets Alive!, a no kill shelter servicingdpa_trends_dieste-01 the DFW area. The talented team at Dieste came to the conclusion that the main reason most of these dogs don’t get adopted is due to their lack of exposure online. If people could only look at their adorable faces for even a second they might be more inclined to adopt. By redirecting the online traffic that daily trends get, Dieste was able to shine a spotlight on dogs that would otherwise stay homeless. How did they do this? By simply renaming the dogs after new trends and tagging them around social media. Dieste also created some funny films in order to push the campaign even further. This idea was engineered by Jose Benitez, Sr. Copywriter; Francisco Arranz, Sr. Art Director; and TAI MA Alumnus Arturo Lee, Jr. Art Director.

The campaign has done well at many festivals, and has won such merits as 2 shortlists at The Wave, 2 Silvers at the USH Idea Awards, 2 Silver SOL Awards, and most recently 3 shortlists at Cannes, 1 Bronze Lion in Cyber for Best Use of Social Data & Insight, and a Silver Lion in Media for Best Use of Digital Content.

About Arturo Lee
Arturo Lee was born in Mexico City and moved to Houston, Texas at the age of 8. Hebiopic attended Texas A&M University where he received a Bachelor’s in Business Administration in Marketing. From there, Arturo attended the Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University where he received his Master’s Degree in Advertising. Upon graduation he began working for Dieste, first as an intern and then as a Junior Art Director. You can follow Arturo on Twitter @arturolee4.

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