SMU Physics hosts Michel Jurine, renowned organ builder

On Thursday, 24 October, the Physics Department will host Michel Jurine for a guest lecture on “The art of organ building.” Michel operates a company that builds and restores organs. The company is located just outside Lyon, France.

Michel Jurine will discuss the 18th-century French organ-building legacy that Cavaillé-Coll inherited, particularly from the treatise of Dom Bédos (1766), and chronicle how Cavaillé-Coll revolutionized French organs in the 19th century, leading to masterpieces such as Saint-Sulpice (1862) and Notre-Dame (1868). He will discuss how he uses all this science and art to create his organs today. The presentation will also include a video with Jurine organ demos played by Paris Conservatoire organ professor Thomas Ospital and Notre-Dame de Paris organist Philippe Lefèbvre.

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