Ejecting a CD or opening a CD tray on a Mac using a non-Mac keyboard

Ejecting a CD or opening a CD tray on a Mac using a keyboard without the “Eject” key
How to add a CD eject button to the Menu Bar

I have had two people ask me about this in the last 24 hours, so I thought others might also be wondering. Here is a little tidbit for those of you who are using Mac and may need a way to open the CD tray and don’t have an eject button on your keyboard.

Adding a CD Eject Button to the Menu Bar…

  1. Use the Finder to go to System –> Library –> CoreServices –> Menu Extras
  2. Double-click on the file “Eject.menu” *
  3. You should now have an eject button in your menu bar

* If double-clicking does not work, you might be able to drag the “Eject.menu” to the menu bar to add it.

To remove, just hold down the Command Key (), click-and-drag the item off the menu bar.

About Ian Aberle

Ian Aberle is an Adobe Creative Educator and the Senior IT Communications Specialist & Trainer for the Office of Information Technology (OIT). For over 25 years, he has helped the SMU community use technology and implement digital and web media through multiple roles with the Digital Commons, SMU STAR Program, and now OIT. Ian enjoys photography and road trips with his family in his free time.
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