Tag: Advertising

The fantasy / comparison model of fashion image processing: A prospective model of viewer engagement

Photographs in the Paper Dolls series confront the viewer with fundamental questions of viewer agency and power central to the critical investigation of visual culture. A feminist critique of visual culture, especially the culture of fashion magazine consumption by young women, is suggested by the selection and treatment of the six images comprising the exhibition….Continue Reading The fantasy / comparison model of fashion image processing: A prospective model of viewer engagement

Paper Dolls on display in the Hamon Lobby

Paper Dolls Exhibition and Reception

This new body of work from Colleen Shull and Justin Shull explores a variety of themes including depiction and representation of women, media and advertising, digital consumer culture, and more. The work being by two different artists working sometimes independently, sometimes together or in an overlapping way, is varied but does share certain characteristics. Strong,…Continue Reading Paper Dolls on display in the Hamon Lobby