Hamon and Fondren hold diverse collections of graphic novels that cover a range of subjects such as cultural identity, illness, politics, and history. Graphic novels are usually longer than comic books and tell a single story within one volume. Graphic novels tell stories in a way that regular novels do not, with a certain level of abstraction, artistic…Continue Reading Graphic Novels at Hamon
Emil Nolde: Christ Among the Children
Thank you to LaGail Davis for contributing this commentary on Emil Nolde’s painting, Christ Among the Children, excerpted from a class essay. As quoted by Pois, Nolde declares, “I had to be artistically free, not to have God before me as a steel-hard Assyrian ruler, but God in me, hot and holy as the love of…Continue Reading Emil Nolde: Christ Among the Children
Welcome to the Hamon Arts Library’s new blog! In addition to library news and highlights, we are expanding our focus to include events and people around Meadows and Dallas. With this goal in mind, we invite community members to submit content to our blog about library findings and events in the community that may be…Continue Reading Welcome