CUL Digital Collections: March 2012

CONTENTdm Collections

[H. P. Dyer, Bonham, Texas], 1855
[H. P. Dyer, Bonham, Texas], 1855
In March, SMU Central University Libraries uploaded 677 items into our CONTENTdm collections. CUL now has approximately 22,013 published items.

Below are highlights:

A copy of the Texas Declaration of Independence

7 movies in the Tyler, Texas Black Film Collection

20 items from the LHL Eisenbahn-Technische Ausstellung “Seddin” album

124 Texas photographs into the Lawrence T. Jones III Texas Photographs collection as part of the Summerlee Texas History Grant, including 9 daguerreotypes

36 currency notes in the Rowe-Barr Collection of Texas Currency

36 stereoviews from the Collection of Civil War era stereographs

4 Civil War cartes de visite and portaits

20 items from the Arnold Jung locomotives accession

56 negatives and photographs from the Robert Yarnall Richie Photographs collection, including 16 images for Women’s History Month

225 early Texas postcards digitized as part of the FY 2012 TexTreasures grant

15 oral histories in the SMU Video Archive Series

4 Civil War cartes de visite and portraits

The Truth, by Jack Kilby, ca. 1969.
The Truth, by Jack Kilby, ca. 1969.

16 items from the George A. McAfee photographs

5 photographs from the Stanley Marcus papers

102 documents in the newly restructured Cantonment Burgwin Postings collection

5 drawings from the Alvin Colt design drawings, photographs, and other materials for Neiman Marcus Fortnights

14 items in the Jack Kilby Photographs and Manuscripts collection

Shown top right: H. P. Dyer, Bonham, Texas, 1855, was one of nine daguerreotypes digitized and uploaded into the Lawrence T. Jones III collection as part of the Summerlee grant. Above right: Jack Kilby’s The Truth.

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