Seasons of Change at Bridwell Library

In his introduction to the latest edition of the Bridwell Quarterly, library director Anthony Elia writes, “Every season offers us something to consider, reflect upon, and deal with. This spring and summer were no exception.” This is certainly true in the case of Bridwell Library, as is detailed in the newest editions of the Quarterly, the library’s magazine, and the Bridwell Quill, a thought piece published by the library. 

Certainly an exciting change for Bridwell Library is the awarding of a $100,000 planning grant from the Lilly Endowment. This grant has allowed Bridwell to research how the best libraries and museums around the world are organizing and displaying their collections – research which will prove useful if the library is awarded the full renovation grant from Lilly. Bridwell’s goal is to upgrade and modernize its exhibition spaces to accommodate its expansive holdings, as well as to build out a fully operational historic print and paper making lab on the lower level of the library. To research and prepare for these potential changes at Bridwell, Anthony traveled to over one-hundred museums, libraries, cultural institutions, printing shops, and papermaking studios between March and August this year in the United States, Europe and Asia. Institutions visited included the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, Germany; the Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm, Sweden; The Prado in Madrid, Spain; and the Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark. The complete list of sites that may inspire the design of Bridwell’s new spaces can be found in the Quarterly, along with details on what makes these institutions worth emulating. 

As Bridwell looks forward to the changes this award may bring, the library and its staff have continued to be an exciting presence on and beyond the Hilltop. This September, the library hosted the reception for the dedication of the newly refurbished Caren and Vin Prothro pipe organ, which all are welcome to hear at the weekly chapel services that feature the organ. As the recipient of the World Methodist Museum collections, it is certainly fitting that Bridwell has also connected with the United Methodist Church (UMC), as a number of Bridwell staff members attended the UMC General Conference 2024 in Charlotte, North Carolina – Anthony even traveled to Sweden in August to speak at the World Methodist Conference. And with a donation of several items from the McManus & Morgan Fine Art Paper in Los Angeles, Anthony officially launched Bridwell Library’s paper archive, which Bridwell Conservator Jesse Hunt will manage in his lab and collections. 

As the Quarterly and Quill explain, Bridwell has witnessed a number of changes these past spring and summer seasons –  but Bridwell’s dedication to serving its visitors and community will remain the same. As Anthony writes in his introduction to the Quill, “Pax vobiscum” – peace be with you!

Read the Bridwell Quarterly and Bridwell Quill online, or visit Bridwell to pick up your copies!