Congratulations to James Glenn, Access Services Manager, Hamon

Among the graduations this spring semester, the Hamon Arts Library congratulates James Glenn on attaining his Master of Science in Library Science degree with a concentration in Archival Studies & Imaging Technology from the University of North Texas on May 12. Coincidentally, his graduation date took place exactly twelve years to the date that he earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts (cum laude) from Howard University. James began as Hamon’s Access Services Manager on June 1, 2023.

Over the course of his graduate studies, James earned seven scholarships, achieved a 4.0 GPA, and served as the Pollock Intern in Art Librarianship at the Dallas Museum of Art Mayer Library, which is only awarded to one graduate student per calendar year.
About his achievement, James commented, “I didn’t think I would be able to accomplish so much within a short time, but I followed my passion, and everything fell into place. If anyone is enrolled in the UNT College of Information or any other library program, I’d be happy to share tips and tricks on how to survive library school. If I can do it, so can you!”
James Glenn holding diplomaJames standing with his diploma