The Bridwell Quarterly & The Bridwell Quill, Winter 2023

From the Office of Anthony J. Elia

Dear Friends-

Thank you to all who made Codex Fest a great success!  The three-day public viewing of the Codex Sassoon at Bridwell Library, co-hosted with Sotheby’s, was a once-in-a-lifetime event.  Nearly 6,000 registered and more than 3,500 eventually came through our doors to view the world’s oldest most nearly complete Hebrew Bible.  This was an historic event and a wonderful memory for our collective communities to remember and cherish.

Please enjoy our latest issues of The Bridwell Quarterly and The Bridwell Quill.

Thank you for your continued support of Bridwell Library.  We look forward to you visiting us again!


Anthony J. Elia

Director and J.S. Bridwell Foundation Endowed Librarian,

Associate Dean for Special Collections and Academic Publishing

Bridwell Library, SMU Libraries & Perkins School of Theology

Southern Methodist University

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