Learning to Engage in Anti-Racism

Book covers for "New Shoes," Eloquent Rage," and "Angela Davis Autobigraphy

A Message from SMU Libraries’ Dean, Holly Jeffcoat:

Books, and the ideas they contain, are key resources when people are confronted with new ideas and problems. They help us learn from experts, dig deeper into our past, and contemplate ideas in a personal and focused way. As the events unfolded around the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last month, I noticed that books such as White Fragility and How to be an Anti-Racist were sold out online at Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and independent bookstores nationwide. This gives me hope that people are taking the time to confront their knowledge and participation in long standing structural issues in our society. More than that, they are making the concerted effort to learn how to positively engage in removing racist behaviors and structures.

The two blog posts that follow are full of excellent suggested reading materials for both adults and children. I hope you find one or more useful in your pursuit of greater understanding, empathy, and concrete ways you can be a positive force for change.

Discussing Racism With Children (by Age Group)

Anti-Racism Starter Kit