April 2018 Jones Collection Update

In the Media


  • Several Siegmund Lubin films from our Sulphur Springs Collection will be featured in an upcoming documentary on the influential filmmaker.  More information will come as the project develops.
  • In March, KTCK 1310 The Ticket reported on SMU’s G. William Jones Film & Video Collection during an entire morning drive-time segment, espousing the uniqueness and importance of the Collection.

Social Media Stats for March

27,655 Views for a total of 34,749 minutes.  Our most popular videos in march were:

Newsfilm Update

We have digitized another 156 rolls of film since our last update and now have over 750 hours of video ready to be used in research, documentaries, or for just a look into the past.


  • Mike Morris’ filmmaking class toured the Jones Collection this month; the students saw their 16mm projects digitized and restored in real time with the help of our Spirit Datacine.
  • The Jones Collection continues its work with Dr. David Sedman’s graduate restoration course.  Over the last month, the class and curator Jeremy Spracklen went on a whirlwind tour of Los Angeles, visiting E-Film; Paramount Studios; and other post-production houses in the hopes of better understanding the restoration process.  Further, the students got a first hand look at the work we are doing on the restoration of Larry Buchanan’s HIGH YELLOW on a 5K Lasergraphics ScanStation. They also got a lesson in how to restore some of this forgotten film themselves.
  • The Jones Collection has begun digitizing film featuring historical moments from the Perkins School of Theology and will make this material publicly available soon.


  • May 20 – Larry Buchanan’s HIGH YELLOW in DCP, restored by the Jones Collection and SMU graduate students, will be screened at the Texas Theater. The time is TBA.

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