Month: June 2017

Happy 100th Birthday to Julia Scott Reed (1917-2014)

The Archives of Women of the Southwest remembers Julia Scott Reed this July 17th on what would have been her 100th birthday. We are honored that Ms. Reed’s family placed her papers here at DeGolyer Library for future generations of scholars. Dallas native Julia Scott Reed was born July 17, 1917, daughter of Johnnie and Nina McGee….Continue Reading Happy 100th Birthday to Julia Scott Reed (1917-2014)

Helping to document the closing of a JCPenney store

It usually starts with an email from a reporter.  “I am working on a story…..”   The first question is “what is your deadline?”  Then I begin the search for information, photographs, or anything else that can shape the story. With this assignment, the reporter was looking for specific information about the JCPenney Pendleton, Oregon,…Continue Reading Helping to document the closing of a JCPenney store