Student presentations for Research Days 2021 will be in a video format, maximum 5 minutes. The deadline to submit videos is Monday, March 8 at 11:59pm. Be sure to register before submitting your video!
Video upload link
Presenting Your Research Effectively — panel discussion with this year’s winners
Useful advice about lighting, audio, and formatting slides.
Presenter workshops
In conjunction with OIT, we are offering several workshops to help you prepare your video presentation. Tap the images or links below to register for the events.
Video production workshops
Miss the sessions?
Presentation Practice
refine your presentation and get comfortable speaking.
Video Production Office Hours
For extra technical help. You may drop in anytime, but please register so we know who to expect.
ESL Help
American English Pronunciation Tutorials and Research Day Coaching
Linda Evans, Lecturer of ESL, is offering individual assistance (via Zoom) with American English pronunciation for international students/scholars in all majors and departments of SMU. Tutorials are 45 minutes each during the hours of 9-11 AM and 3-5 PM on Wednesdays, February 3 through April 28, 2021. Sessions may also include practice and feedback on oral presentations such as for Research Day and other needs. Please bring specific questions or materials!