Avery Mercurio (U): Mustangs For Hope: A Community Based Nonprofit Bringing Virtual Learning to Dallas Children


Mustangs For Hope is a new nonprofit organization that provides free, virtual, one-on-one tutoring for underprivileged Dallas children whose families have been affected by COVID-19 after-school program closures. Mustangs For Hope works in conjunction with Voice of Hope Ministries to match K-12th grade students with a college-aged mentor in order to foster community between young learners and college-aged students. Mustangs For Hope believes that virtual learning will remain a cornerstone in education for years to come. For this reason, Mustangs For Hope stands committed to creating an environment where academically at-risk children are never afraid to seek the help they need, to be intellectually curious and to excel in their academic journey.

Avery Mercurio
Majors: EMIS and Mathematics
Mentors: Gheorghe Spiride and Lindsay Davis