Sydney Holder (U): Descriptive Statistics for the Explanatory Factor Analysis of the MMaRS Home Use Survey

An analysis of the explanatory factor analysis for MMaRS Home Use Survey. The research was rooted in finding whether the Home Use Survey was a reliable way of measuring at home spacial reasoning.

Sydney Holder
Majors: Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Data Science
Faculty mentor: Leanne Ketterlin Geller

2 thoughts on “Sydney Holder (U): Descriptive Statistics for the Explanatory Factor Analysis of the MMaRS Home Use Survey

  1. Very interesting work and I’m impressed you are pursuing a triple major!

    I noticed the 4- and 5-point questions seemed to be divided into non-digital and digital modes of spatial exercises. Is there a particular reason for this? Maybe for something down the line? Thanks.

  2. Awesome work, Sydney. We are so lucky to have you working with us at Research in Mathematics Education. Your analyses are a great contribution to identifying ways to best support parents and students in developing spatial reasoning skills.

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