Olga Romero: Latina Principals’ Beliefs and Motivations to Implement STEM Programs in Elementary Urban Schools


This research aimed to investigate why some Latina principals decided to implement Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs in the urban elementary schools they lead. This research specifically explores the motivations and belief systems that school principals embraced as they move forward in the challenging task of implementing a rigorous, non-traditional STEM curriculum in urban schools that have minimal resources, training, and implementation support. The study also aims to seek out an explanation of what drives these principals to go above and beyond the established district expectations for their schools. Using an ethnography approach in my qualitative study method, I examined the belief systems, motivations, and experiences of seven Latina principals who have successfully implemented STEM programs in a large urban city in the Southwest elementary schools.

Olga Romero
Program: Ed.D in Educational Leadership
Faculty mentor: Dawson Or

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