Megan Simons: Transition-potential coupled cluster

The problem of orbital relaxation in computational core-hole spectroscopies, including x-ray absorption and x-ray photoionization, has long plagued linear response approaches, including equation-of-motion coupled cluster with singles and doubles (EOM-CCSD). Instead of addressing this problem by including additional electron correlation, we propose an explicit treatment of orbital relaxation via the use of “transition potential” reference orbitals, leading to a transition-potential coupled cluster (TP-CC) family of methods. One member of this family, in particular, TP-CCSD(12/ 1 2 ), is found to essentially eliminate the orbital relaxation error and achieve the same level of accuracy for the core-hole spectra as is typically expected of EOM-CCSD in the valence region. These results show that very accurate x-ray absorption spectra for molecules with first-row atoms can be computed at a cost essentially the same as that for EOM-CCSD.

Megan Simons
Program: PhD in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Faculty mentor: Devin Matthews

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