Marc Sager: Association between Food Security and Student Success

The purpose of this paper is to create a research design to find a correlation between food security status and student success, as well as measure how school funding per student and the location of participants' high school moderates student success. This research design employs regression analysis and multiple regression analysis to calculate correlational coefficients and determine associations. Future directions for research include (a) observing an interrupted time series intervention quasi-experiment of food retailers being built in food deserts, and measure the impact the natural intervention has on students' GPA, and (b) depending on the results and findings of this study, another direction for future research is to qualitatively examine the students that reside in food deserts, but are considered food secure.

Marc Sager
Program: PhD in Education
Faculty mentor: Anthony Petrosino

2 thoughts on “Marc Sager: Association between Food Security and Student Success

  1. I enjoyed this glimpse into your research, Marc. Looking forward to hearing more!

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