The CART treatment is a new intervention developed by Dr. Alicia Meuret targeting the tendency of some anxious individuals to hyperventilate.
Read more about it at:
The CART treatment is a new intervention developed by Dr. Alicia Meuret targeting the tendency of some anxious individuals to hyperventilate.
Read more about it at:
A new approach to the role of parents in development described by Dr. George Holden in a recent journal article has been featured by the SMUResearch site (and has been carried in many news outlets). To see the story, go to:
Chair of Psychology, Ernie Jouriles, was recently made a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science in recognition of his sustained and outstanding contributions to psychology. Congratulations, Ernie.
Dr. Alicia Meuret has been tapped to serve on a federal panel evaluating the effectiveness of different breathing exercises for treating asthma. Congratulations!
In early October, Professor and Chair of Psychology, Ernie Jouriles traveled to Switzerland to give a talk. Later this month Professor George Holden flies to Brazil to give a keynote address at the Brazilian Psychological Association’s annual meeting. He will also give two other talks.
Dr. Georita Frierson, a faculty member in the Psychology Department, will be receiving an award from Mayor Leppert and the Dallas City Hall for her community-based research. She has also recently been interviewed on the radio regarding her work on the Breast Cancer Education Project for Latinas.
Drs. Lorelei Simpson and Amy Pinkham were awarded a grant from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health for their study entitled “Social Cognition and Relationship Discord in Severe Mental Illness.” They will be studying the social skills and thinking processes in couples where one partner has a severe mental illness.
On Friday, Sept. 24 at 11 a.m., Dr. Julie Schumacher-Coffey will be giving talk titled “Intimate Partner Violence in Clinical Contexts: Alcohol Dependence and PTSD” at the Family Research Center on the 11th floor of Expressway Tower. All are welcome.
Dr. Carl Lejuez, Director of Centers for Addictions, Personality, and Emotion Research at the University of Maryland will be giving a talk on “Adolescent Risk Taking: From basic processes to clinical intervention” on Tuesday, August 17th at 10:00 a.m. in Dedman Life Sciences Bldg, #132.
Dr. Holden announced a conference entitled: “Global Summit on Ending Corporal Punishment and Promoting Positive Discipline.” It will be held in Dallas from June 2-4, 2011. See the News/Events page on the SMU psychology website for more information.