Graduate Students win Awards at a Conference

Two psychology graduate students won awards for their posters presented at the annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ACBT) conference held in November in New York City. Noelle Smith and Ana Trueba were the lead authors of the two posters.
The complete award, authorship, and titles are:

ABCT Suicide & Self-injury Special Interest Group Student Poster Award
Smith, N.B., Baldwin, A., Jeter, A.M., Trueba, A.F., & Meuret, A.E. (2012, November). Differences in Attitudes and Perceptions among Self-Injuring versus Non-Injuring College Students.

Anxiety Disorders Special Interest Group Student Poster Award
Trueba, A.F., Bhaskara, L., Rosenfield, D., Liberzon, I, Auchus, R, Abelson, J., Ritz, T., & Meuret, A.E. (2012, November). Endogenous Cortisol Moderates Panic Symptom Reduction in Exposure Therapy


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