Queering King David

  In the narratives in 1 and 2 Samuel, King David had relationships with many women, including six wives and a number of concubines. Only one of David’s wives, Michael, professed her love for him, but the text does not indicate that her feelings were reciprocated (1 Sam. 18:20). 1 Samuel 25 describes David’s wives as possessions rather than lovers […]

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Risk: Queer Virtue

The Path of Queer Virtue: Risk “In 2012, the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) documented more than two thousand incident of hate violence against LGBTQ people in the United States. Transgender women were twice as likely to experience discrimination, threats, and intimidations as survivors who did no as transgender women, and transgender women of color were nearly three times […]

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The Path of Queer Virtue: Identity

“Proclaiming our inherent value requires that we recognize, name, and celebrate our identity as queer people. That is, shifting the focus from the external disapprobation of our otherness-and the political subjugation it breeds-to an interior knowledge of ourselves. It is in this shift that Pride emerges that empowerment is made possible.” Identity is more than politics. Identity is a life […]

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Ehud and King Eglon – A Queer Reading

Judges 3:12-30 accounts for the triumph of a Ehud, a Benjaminite, over King Eglon of Moab through an act of deception. However, three distinct elements of this story appear providing a worthy queer hermeneutic.  First, Ehud is described as being left handed, a queer characteristic.  Second, the word “hand” (yad) itself is open to multiple interpretations including “penis.”  Finally, the […]

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About Our Class

Dr. Susanne Scholz, Professor of Old Testament, teaches this course on a regular basis as part of the graduate theological curriculum at Perkins School of Theology at SMU in Dallas, Texas, USA.  Here is the official course description from the Perkins Course Catalog: “Study of the historical, political, cultural, and religious-theological discourses about gender and sexuality in the context of the […]

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