About Our Class

Dr. Susanne Scholz, Professor of Old Testament, teaches this course on a regular basis as part of the graduate theological curriculum at Perkins School of Theology at SMU in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Here is the official course description from the Perkins Course Catalog:
“Study of the historical, political, cultural, and religious-theological discourses about gender and sexuality in the context of the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. Grounded in an interdisciplinary approach, the course develops self-critical perspectives about the influence of biblical meanings on hermeneutically dynamic, politically and religiously charged conversations over socio-cultural practices related to LGBTQ communities. Three term hours. Prerequisites: OT 6301 or OT 6302.”
Syllabus Queer Bible Hermeneutics Sp2019
Syllabus Queer Bible Hermeneutics Sp2016
This blog site contains selected essays that students produced as part of their written assignments in the regularly offered semester-long course. Some students post some of their essays under their names. A few students post their essays anonymously because they intend to be ordained in Christian and Protestant denominations that do not welcome active engagement with the scholarly materials of this course and prohibit queer people and their allies from ordination. Some also prohibit marriages between same-gender couples although the Constitution of the United States legalized same-sex marriages in Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015. As a class, we decided to provide anonymity in the posting because some future clergy worry about being discriminated if they express solidarity with the LGBTQIA/queer communities. It needs to be emphasized that all essays engage the scholarly readings of this course and should not be used to discriminate against or disqualify students from joining their various churches as ordained and lay clergy members.
This blog site aims to educate the interested public about the ongoing scholarly discussions on reading the Bible.
We appreciate your visit.
Dr. Susanne Scholz, Ph.D.
Professor of Old Testament
Chair, Division 1
111 Selecman Hall
Perkins School of Theology
Southern Methodist University
5915 Bishop Blvd
POB 750133
Dallas, TX 75275-0133
PH 214-768-2460
Series editor of Feminist Studies and Sacred Texts