Evangelicals shouldn’t be defending Trump in tiff over editorial

Dec. 26, Stephanie Martin, assistant professor of communication and public affairs at SMU Dallas, for an op-ed chastising Evangelical Christian leaders who steadfastly side with Trump rather than consider reasoned criticisms from their own ranks (Christianity Today). Published in The Hill: http://bit.ly/37GX02W 

When “Christianity Today” issued its editorial last week calling for Donald Trump’s removal from the American presidency, I thought evangelicals — including prominent leaders — would sit up and take note.

What I did not expect was for them to rebuff the magazine’s call utterly.

Franklin Graham, son of the magazine’s founder the late Billy Graham, told The Washington Post that his father would have been “embarrassed” by the editorial. “For Christianity Today to side with the Democrat Party in a partisan attack on the President of the United States is unfathomable,” he added in a Facebook post. . . 

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