Publications & Presentations


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Hardy, A. M. & Clemens, N. (in press). Five strategies for supporting students with dyslexia in word-problem solving. Teaching Exceptional Children.

Lannin, J. K., Rodrigues, J., van Garderen, D., Lei, Q., Singell, E. L., & Karim, S. (2023). Promoting interdisciplinary research collaboration among mathematics and special education      researchers. Education Sciences, 13(11), 1150.

Powell, S. R., MacLean, K. B., Carroll, M., Berry, K. A., Tran, L. M., King, S. G., & Leonard, E. (in press). SPIRAL: A professional learning and coaching model for educators who provided mathematics instruction to students experiencing mathematics difficulty. School Science and Math-ematics.

Purpura, D. J., O’Rear, C., Ellis, A., Logan, J. A. R., Westerberg, L. E., Ehrman, P. C., King, Y. A., Vander Tuin, M., Nordgren, I., Anderson, K., Cosso, J., Zippert, E., Napoli, A. R., Hornburg, C. B., Schmitt, S. A., & Dobbs-Oates, J. (2023). Unique and combined effects of quantitative mathematical language and numeracy instruction within a picture book intervention. Journal of Educational Psychology, 116(1), 1–19.

Rodrigues, J., Locke, S., Singell, E. L., & Mirielli, L. G. (2023). Teaching fraction magnitude using the number iine. Intervention in School and Clinic, 59(3), 165–172.

Welland, J. B., Singell, E. L., Lembke, E. S., & Burns, M. K. (in press). Data does not have to be a four-letter word: Using data to improve student
outcomes in reading, writing, and mathematics. Rethinking Behavior.

Peer-Reviewed Presentations

Arsenault, T., Hardy, A., Sharjina Akther, S., & Powell, S. (2023, June). Grade 4 multi-step word-problem intervention [Presentation]. Mathematical Cognition Learning Society Conference, Loughborough University, United Kingdom.

Atchison-Green, T., Singell, E. L., & Lee, K. (2023, March). Supporting teaching of algebra: Individual readiness (STAIR) [Poster presentation]. Council of Exceptional Children Conference, Louisville, KY, United States.

Berry, K. A., & Mao, J. (2023, June). Word problems? No problem! School-based interventions for students with word-problem difficulty [Symposium]. Mathematical Cognition Learning Society Conference, Loughborough University, United Kingdom.

Bundock, K., Mao, J., Walton, E., & Odunuga, E. (2024, January). A systematic review of mathematics intervention studies incorporating motivational components [Poster presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), Coronado, CA, United States.

Duesenberg-Marshall, M. D., Romero, M. K., Welland, J., Edwards, K., & Singell, E. L. (2024, February). Thrifty interventions: Low- and no-cost academic interventions for all [Presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Hardy, A. (2023, June). Schema instruction for word-problem solving in the early grades: A research synthesis [Poster presentation]. Mathematical Cognition Learning Society Conference, Loughborough University, United Kingdom.

Hardy, A., Powell, S. R., Berry, K. A., Arsenault, T. L., Akther, S. S., Lariviere, D. O., & Mao, J. (2023, September). Initial results from an efficacy trial about multi-step word-problem solving [Symposium]. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, DC, United States.

Lembke, E. & Singell, E. L. (2023, March). Review of a Four-Year Study to Improve Algebra Readiness [Presentation]. Missouri Council of Administrators in Special Education (MO-CASE) Conference Law & 7th Annual Collaboration Conference, Columbia, MO, United States.

Lembke, E., Smith, H., Lyth Donofrio, G., & Martin, M. (2023, October 11-13). How schools define the relationship between integrated MTSS and special education [Roundtable presentation]. International Conference on Learning Disabilities (CLD), Denver, CO, United States.

Lembke, E., Smith, H., Lyth Donofrio, G., & Martin, M. (2023, September 25-27). The IMFR: A tool to guide districts and buildings toward effective integrated MTSS practices [Presentation]. Missouri Council of Administrators in Special Education (MO-CASE) Conference, Osage Beach, MO, United States.

Locke, S., Mirielli, L., Singell, E. L., & Rodrigues, J. (2023, March). Research-based recommendations to teach fraction magnitude using the number line [Poster presentation]. Council of Exceptional Children Conference, Louisville, KY, United States.

MacLean, K. (2023, June). Mathematics interventions for secondary students with emotional and behavioral disorders: A research synthesis [Poster presentation]. Mathematical Cognition Learning Society Conference, Loughborough University, United Kingdom.

Martin, M. & Lyth Donofrio, G. (2024, February 1). School perceptions on the usability of the Integrated MTSS Fidelity Rubric (IMFR) [Poster presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), Coronado, CA, United States.

Mao, J. (2024, January). A review of quality indicators of middle-school fraction interventions [Poster presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), Coronado, CA, United States.

Mao, J. (2023, June). Fraction interventions for middle school students with mathematics difficulties [Poster presentation]. Mathematical Cognition Learning Society Conference, Loughborough University, United Kingdom.

Martin, M. E., & Lyth Donofrio, G. (2024, February 1). School perceptions on the usability of the integrated MTSS fidelity rubric [Poster presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), Coronado, CA, United States.

McClure, A. A. (2024, January 31-February 2). The impact of intervention algorithms on fourth-grade students’ conceptual understanding of fractions [Poster presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), Coronado, CA, United States.

Mirielli, L., Rodrigues, J., & Singell, E. L. (2024, February). Using open science practices to explore the demand for U.S. special education faculty [Poster presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), Coronado, CA, United States.

Ndungu, L., Wilhelm, A.G., Zhong, X., & King, J. (October 2023). Leveraging student voice to develop a student experience survey [Poster presentation]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Washington, D.C, United States.

Powell, S. R., Brafford, T., Shen, Z., & Mao, J. (2023, October). Enhancing the math experience for exceptional learners: Essentials for instruction [Symposium]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, DC, United States.

Purpura, D.J., O’Rear, C., Ellis, A., Logan, J., Westerberg, L., King, Y., Vander Tuin, M., Ehrman, P., Nordgren, I., Cosso, J., Zippert, E., Napoli, A.R., Hornburg, C.B., Schmitt, S.A., and Dobbs-Oates, J. (2023, June 5-8). Unique and combined effects of quantitative language and numeracy instruction: Findings and reflections on a registered report [Conference presentation]. Mathematical Cognition Learning Society Conference, Loughborough University, United Kingdom.

Purpura, D. J., O’Rear, C. D., Ellis, A., Westerberg, L., Vander Tuin, M., Ehrman, P., King, Y. A. (2023, August 22-26). The effects of a quantitative mathematical language intervention on number line skills and SFON [Conference presentation]. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Purpura, D. J., Schmitt, S., Logan, J., Dobbs-Oates, J., Paes, T., Robinson-Rucker, C., Varnell, S., Vander Tuin, M., Ehrman, P., Schlesinger-Devlin, E., Gerrard, H., & Burnett, M. (2023, May) [Presentation]. Using picture books to support mathematical language learning in preschool. Institute of Education Sciences Principal Investigator Meeting, Virtual.

Singell, E. L., Atchison-Green, T., Smith, C. (2024, February). Trickle-down: How teacher efficacy impacts student’s mathematics anxiety [Poster presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), Coronado, CA, United States.

Singell, E. L., Graves, K., Welland, J., & Abdelnaby, H. (2023, March). Using skill-by-treatment interaction to increase mathematics achievement [Poster presentation]. Council of Exceptional Children Conference, Louisville, KY, United States.

Singell, E. L., Mirielli, L., & Rodrigues, J. (2023, March). Mathematics Utility and Mathematics Beliefs Among Students Struggling with Mathematics [Poster presentation]. Council of Exceptional Children Conference, Louisville, KY, United States.

Smith, H., Lembke, E. S., Martin, M. E., & Lyth Donofrio, G. (2023, September 26). The IMFR: A tool to guide districts and buildings toward effective integrated MTSS practices [Presentation]. Missouri CASE (Council of Administrators in Special Education), Lake of the Ozarks, MO, United States.

Vander Tuin, M. (2023, June 5-8). The effects of caregiver involvement on early childhood mathematics achievement: A research synthesis [Poster presentation]. Mathematical Cognition Learning Society Conference, Loughborough University, United Kingdom.

Vander Tuin, M. & Nelson, G. (2024, February). Best practices for caregiver training in interventions: A gap in research reporting [Poster presentation]. Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), Coronado, CA, United States.

Welland, J., Abdelnaby, H., Singell, E. L., & Graves, K. (2023, March). The intervention didn’t work: Intensifying reading interventions with data [Poster presentation]. Council of Exceptional Children Conference, Louisville, KY, United States.

Non-Peer Reviewed Presentations

Rodrigues, J., Mirielli, L., & Singell, E. L. (2023, May). Embedding innovative open science practices in an analysis of the U.S. special education faculty job market [Poster presentation]. University of Missouri College of Education and Human Development Research Day, Columbia, MO, United States.

Loffredo, J., Johlie, E., Gidley, K., Singell, E. L., Mirielli, L., Locke, S., & Rodrigues, J. (2023, April). Mathematic utility and beliefs among students at-risk/not-at risk for mathematics difficulties [Poster presentation]. University of Missouri Undergraduate Research Forum, Columbia, MO, United States.


Mao, J. (2023-2024). The University of Texas at Austin, College of Education Scholarship and Fellowship Award ($1,000).

Vander Tuin, M. (2023-2024). The University of Texas at Austin, Ruby Mae Jaycox Education Endowment ($1,000).