Dear Lyle Students, Home Office Edition

For me, experiencing recent world events has been surreal. Classes are still happening, but being at home sometimes makes it seem like they’re not. Friends and family are staying home and even if you do venture out to the grocery store or a get takeout, you’re greeted by a sea of masks and gloves. At my house, we’re doing a lot of puzzles. Also, as it turns out, I’m pretty good at sewing.

Joey sitting at Sophia's desk
Joey +Trees (like The View, but classier)

My name is Sophia and I’m a sophomore from Dallas, TX, studying mechanical engineering. For the next while, I’ll be writing to you from my home desk and imparting a little of the Hart Center world to you. My world is pretty small right now, just me, my mom and sister, and our two puppies. If you’re wondering, my desk has a great window with a view of a park and I spend more time looking at trees than doing homework.

You, like me, may be looking for ways to fill your time. Read this blog! I’ve been working in the Hart Center for over a year, and it’s a pretty incredible place. We offer tons of amazing programs, like the Industry Mentor and Grand Challenge Scholars Programs. We want to use our time at home to tell you all about everything the Hart Center offers.

It’s easy to lose sight of the positive if you feel like things are spinning out of control. At the Hart Center, we want to support you through these difficult times by helping you remember the incredible things that happened in Lyle this year. We hope our short blog helps keep you in the loop about Lyle. If you’re interested in reading a blog post about a particular topic, email or comment below.

Thank you for staying connected with us. Stay tuned for our post next week, “Keeping Up with the Grand Challenge Scholars”!

Pony Up, Mustangs!