Chasing My Dream: Demystifying the PhD Application

Hello! This is Ophelie again (see my last post on Odyssey Plans for graduate students)! I hope you are enjoying the slower pace of summer and using this time to reflect on the past year and whether you are taking steps towards your goals. It was in a moment of rest and reflection that I realized I was speeding down a highway to the wrong destination.

I will spare you the details, but during my junior year at SMU, I realized that I was chasing someone else’s dream. This discovery led me to cancel my MCAT test the week before I was supposed to take it and leave my medical school applications incomplete. I had reached my breaking point…and it changed everything. I chose to realign my life to match my innermost desires – to innovate a future in which amputees have a better quality of life.

Regardless of what you want to do with your life, I have seen that oftentimes things seem to fall into place when your efforts align with your passions and you allow yourself to let go of the future you “think you want”. I never thought I would pursue a PhD, but here I am, committed to UCLA in the Fall to pursue a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, and taking it one step at a time.

In an effort to demystify the first step towards a PhD – the application – here are some tips:

  1. Research which schools are best in your field and focus on finding labs that align with your interests. You want to give yourself options, so apply to several schools (I applied to 8).
  2. Reach out via email to professors you are interested in working with EARLY. Include all the relevant “selling pointsabout yourself and BE SURE to include why you are interested in their research SPECIFICALLY. Evaluate your network and ask for an introduction if possible!
  3. Focus on your personal statement and have many people provide feedback.

Once you receive your acceptance letters, there are several factors to consider! Start by asking yourself the following questions:

  1. How does this university and the program in my field of interest stand out? The quality of education is obviously important; thus, consider the rank of the institution in your field of interest. However, do not let yourself become starry eyed when you get into an ivy league school and forget to address the following factors as well.
  2. What advising style do you prefer? Your professor will be your boss, your mentor, your greatest advocate, and your biggest source of support. ASK THEM what their advising style is like so that you can be sure you have found someone you want to follow.
  3. What lab culture are you looking for? Talk with the current students in the lab and ask them about their experience with the advisor, their hours in the lab, and their overall experience!
  4. Where do you want to live? As superficial as this may sound, you are dedicating 5 years to this, so be sure you are choosing a university in a location that will be enjoyable for you!

I will leave you with a few final words that were shared with me and greatly influenced my final decision:

  1. Do not let the fear of failure nor the fear of the unknown limit your decision.
  2. Choose the experience that will challenge you. You have no idea what you are capable of until you try!
  3. Hold your future loosely, be open minded, and enjoy the journey of becoming! It may look different than what you had planned, but I have found so much joy and excitement in watching a life I never imagined unfold!

Good luck on your journey!