
Engage Dallas 2023-2024 End-of-Year Report

After months of recaps, reflections, and writing, Engage Dallas is excited to present the 2023-2024 end-of-year report. Inside you will learn about the new elements added to Engage Dallas this year ranging from the inaugural Engage Dallas Bus Tour to the launch of the Community Partner Council, the Engage Dallas Book Club, and more! Volunteers collectively served more than 1,600 hours directly in the community this year. Check out the full report below.

Thank you for your continued support of Engage Dallas. There are many exciting fall activities in the works…stay connected and stay engaged!

Announcements Community Partners Event News

Engage Dallas Hosts 3rd Community Partner Council Meeting

Engage Dallas kicked off the 3rd quarter Community Partner Council meeting on February 9 at Austin Street Center. Organizations represented include Sunny South Community Garden, Keep Dallas Beautiful, LNESC, The Senior Source, Dallas Furniture Bank, Brother Bill’s Helping Hands, Jubilee Park & Community Center, and Austin Street Center. Community partners offered feedback on upcoming Engage Dallas events to ensure that they are community-centered and a value-add to all attendees.

The group learned about non-profit leadership and collaboration from Austin Street Center’s CEO, Daniel Roby. Roby also shared about the ways that Austin Street Center supports those experiencing homelessness. The day was completed with a tour of the newly opened center where community partners explored the commercial kitchen, donation drop-off process, dining facility & engagement center, and more. Community partners also learned about the many volunteer opportunities at Austin Street Center. Huge thanks to Jill Young, Volunteer & Community Engagement Manager, for coordinating the visit. Learn more about Austin Street Center here.


Engage Dallas publishes second end-of-the-year report

Engage Dallas is excited to share our second end-of-year report.

From the inaugural Place-Based Community Engagement Symposium to our first Alternative Spring Break trip and our research on the impact of community engagement programs on non-profit partners, hear about this year’s achievements and our plans for the next academic year.

A unique feature of this year’s report includes several video reflections from Engage Dallas participants. This year, students served over 3,000 hours through the initiative with our 36 community partners. Take a closer look!

Thank you for your continued support of the initiative! Stay tuned for all that 2023-2024 has in store.

Announcements News

Call for Applications: Faculty Convener for Engage Dallas Steering Committee

Applications are now being accepted for the Faculty Convener role on the Engage Dallas Steering Committee.

The Engage Dallas Steering Committee (“Steering Committee”) is responsible for providing guidance and input for the Engage Dallas Initiative. The Steering Committee, along with the key partner offices, serve as champions of the work of Engage Dallas. Recommendations by the Steering Committee will reflect best practices for achieving the overall goals of Engage Dallas.

Responsibilities of the Faculty Convener include:

  • Advise the Engage Dallas initiative on curricular integration and faculty engagement
  • Strategize specific pathways for faculty engagement
  • Develop faculty relationships
  • Consult faculty intending to connect courses to Place-Based Community Engagement
  • Host workshops to promote Engage Dallas faculty engagement opportunities
  • Educate stakeholders on Engage Dallas (Center for Teaching Excellence, Faculty Senate, Council of General Education, etc.)
  • Serve as an active member of the Engage Dallas Steering Committee
  • Meet monthly with co-initiative managers to discuss and evaluate faculty pathways and engagement
  • Serve a 2-year appointment, October 2022-October 2024, with the possibility of a 2-year extension

Those interested in applying should email Audryanna Reed (, Co-initiative Manager for Engage Dallas, and include:

    • Resume
    • An answer to the following question in 200-300 words:

Engage Dallas is a place-based community engagement initiative. Discuss strategies to increase faculty participation in Engage Dallas and discuss some of the benefits of faculty participating in a place-based community engagement initiative.

Priority deadline for application submissions is October 21, 2022, at 5:00 PM.

Announcements Armstrong Commons Virginia-Snider Commons Ware Commons

It’s not goodbye, but see you later!

This past spring, Engage Dallas celebrated three of their own student leaders graduating!

Eduardo Yanez Pastene earned a B.A. in Markets and Culture with a minor in Advertising. He is currently pursuing a career in product development. 

Kirk Thomas graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science with a security specialization. After graduation, he’ll be working in corporate technology at Allstate. 

Gigi Kinani completed a B.A. in Economics and will be doing marketing and business development for a software company in Dallas. 

Thank you again, Eduardo, Kirk, and Gigi for all you’ve done for Engage Dallas. We can’t wait to watch you continue to think big and do good beyond your years on the Hilltop.