The Jesmyn Ward reading is an official Barnes & Noble Bookfair event. Kimbilio/SMU English receives a percentage of all purchases made on our behalf during this special promotion.
To ensure Kimbilio gets credit for your purchase, click on the vouchers (below), print them, and use them at B&N any time between September 5th and 14th. Coupons are also available in the English Department office in Room 5, Dallas Hall. LEARN MORE
Can’t make it to the reading:
From 09/5/17 to 09/14/17 visit BN.COM/bookfairs and support Kimbilio online by entering bookfair ID 12202354 at checkout.
Here are the dates you can help us raise money.
9/5 – 9/14 at the Dallas Northwest Highway Store: Mention you are supporting Kimbilio and a portion of the sales of all books, CDs, DVDs and Café items will support Kimbilio.
9/5 – 9/14 At stores nationwide: present the Bookfair Voucher with bookfair #12202354
9/5-14 Online go to and use bookfair #12202354 when you check out.